Title: The Twin Kingdoms
Author: Owen Lee
Size: 228mm x 152mm, 374 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-74652-6 (print); 978-0-620-74653-3 (ebook)
No-one climbs the Mountain anymore. Now, instead, the people of the Highland kingdom have fled to the lowlands, and everyone can only look up in growing trepidation and fear as the glowering clouds, containing unseen evils, gather, ever stronger, behind an invisible barrier between the lands.
Jagan, ancient wizard and warrior, long forgotten and mortally wounded, trapped in his crumbling and darkening castle, has long been holding back the evil. However, he is weakening faster now, and knows that the evil forces, spawned by the malevolent Skree, will inevitably break through and devour the Lowland Kingdom and all the peoples gathered there. Unable to get any messages through, Jagan can only hold on, and hope. In the meanwhile, Gareth, son of a commoner and barely out of boyhood, grows increasingly troubled by the growing evil, and frustrated by the lack of action being taken. He has decided that, one way or another, something must be done. But what can one boy do against the evil forces that have gathered against the good; and, even if he tries, will he be able to save his people, and will he and Jagan survive?
About the Author: Owen Lee is a (retired) lawyer, sportsman, town councillor, Rotarian and (current) husband, father and lover of stories. He lives with his wife, Amber, and they both live in Durban with their son, JJ, and grandson, Jacob. His other children, Zsa, Kiki and Jen Jen, live, variously, in Perth, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Owen has written many stories, but this is his first book.
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