Title: The Five Stages of a Fish
Author: Bobby Mokoena
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 40 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-71970-4 (print);
Why did Jesus say to a group of fishermen “you shall be fishers of men”?
What are the similarities between a fish and man? How can a fish
relate to our journey and purpose here on earth?
In his first book, BB Mokoena reveals how God takes us through the stages of our journey and growth. Using the fish as an example, this book will make you understand the five stages you go through so you can be ready to do what He has created you to do. These stages are:
1. The catching: beginning a new life in Jesus Christ
2. The cutting off/ cleaning: adjusting to new life in Jesus Christ
3. The seasoning:being filled with & yielding to the Holy Spirit
4. The fire:going through battles, trials and challenges
5. The eating:fulfilling your calling
Get yourself a copy, embark on this adventurous journey through the stages and unlock the keys to understanding God’s purpose for your life
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can contact the author and order from the links below:
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