Title: The Civic Association: a force or a farce
Author: Isaiah Ramashala
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 123 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-73303-8 (print);
Civic Associations assured people that when the democratic dispensation was ushered in the ills of the past would be done away with. Have the lives of the people really changed? Were Civic Associations real or just a fallacy? Did they have any impact in the lives of the people and the communities themselves? Is the role played by the then Civic Associations sensationalised? Is South Africa, twenty two years into democracy, where it should be?
Are the plights of the people, especially in rural areas, being adequately addressed? Where are the Civic Associations? This book attempts to probe some essential realities in our communities today in an attempt to respond to all these questions. To do this the book sheds light on the role of Civic Associations within the broader context of black struggle in South Africa.
The book interrogates the current status of SANCO. It asks if SANCO is a Force or a Farce. Has SANCO lost its teeth? Are Civic Associations still relevant to the current political climate? Are SANCO leaders residing in the comfort zone of the Government and feeding from the hand of the master? Has the media lost interest in SANCO and stopped reporting on its activities? Is SANCO engaging in school-boy politics and no longer appealing to media coverage? What role should SANCO play in the current political scenario?
The author of this book, Isaiah Ramashala was a member of the once powerful Mashashane Civic association. He was its Secretary General from 1990 to 1995. From 2000 to 2005 he was the ANC PR Councilor in Aganang Local Municipality, within Capricorn District in Limpopo Province. He is a teacher by profession. He is well informed to talk about Civic Associations issues.
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