Title: Seasons and Glories
Author: Christ-opher Ka Nkosi
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-58362-6 (print)
God created the natural cycles of day and night, years and the seasons. Gen 1:4 Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.
Life doesn’t proceed in a linear fashion; it moves in seasons – cyclical rhythms. Different responses are needed in different seasons. What is right for one season may be inappropriate or unnecessary in another. Think of some of the characteristics of each of the four seasons:
Summer: a time of harvest, joy, holidays, ‘rest & recreation’, storing up for the future, but also dryness and scorching heat. We enjoy summer, but we need the other seasons to sustain life.
Autumn: a time where winds of change blow through your life, of feeling unsettled, uncertainty, the ground shifting, cultivation of the ground in preparation for the season to come, pruning, things seem to be cooling down or even dying off.
Winter: barrenness, darkness, no evident life, things seem to be at a halt, lack of apparent progress, growth is hidden, you’re in a valley, things don’t feel as exciting as they used to, a time of introspection and internal searching.
Spring: new life, breakthrough, growth, emerging fruit, productivity, passion reignited, sowing seed, new dreams and visions, movement, rapid change.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: CHRIST-OPHER KA-NKOSI is an Apostle and senior pastor of Kingdom Life Connection Worship Centre, South Africa based in Mpumalanga. A husband to Joyce, and a father of two, Oratile and Ofentse. Apostle Christ-opher is also an international motivational speaker and life coach.
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