Title: Practical Techniques for Habitat & Wildlife Management: a guide for game ranches, conservation areas and farmland
Author: Ken Coetzee
Size: 240mm x 210mm, 391 pages (illustrated)
ISBN: 978-0-986-70844-9 (print)
The techniques and methods described in this book are a collection of the work and experience of a great many farmers, conservation area managers, researchers and others responsible for habitat and wildlife management. They range from basic practical methods like the details of water point construction and dealing with tick infestations to the more technical aspects of habitat impact monitoring and wildlife observation recording.
The techniques described provide a foundation for further improvement and modification because each situation or application is different, and the prescriptions and methods must be “moulded” to suit the particular requirement.
Perhaps this book will inspire game farmers and conservationists to work out better or improved practical techniques, if this should happen, then this book will have done its’ “work”. More information on Ken Coetzee and his publications.
A percentage of the sale price will be donated to the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa to be used for game guard training projects.
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can order from the links below:
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