Title: Knowledge: an Irreplaceable Commodity!
Author: Lydia M Moeng
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 200 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-70844-9 (print);
I have been challenged by this quotation from Proverbs 8:10:
“Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge
rather than choose gold.”
This is just saying that having silver or gold without knowledge is futile. Without knowledge you are nothing. You are worthless. Knowledge teaches you to excel. There are people that are so spiritual, yet earthly useless because of ignorance. 2 Peter 1:5 gives such great insight:
“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement
your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge.”
You can never have knowledge if you are not going to make effort to acquire it. You can have all the faith on earth and be able to raise the dead from the graves, but without knowledge you will fail in life. I always say, “your gift or skill or ability will always put you on the top list of famous people, but it is your character, which you develop because of knowledge of the right values that will keep you there even beyond your days on earth.” Treasures and wealth that we so badly need in this life are hidden in wisdom and knowledge that we need to search for and protect with all that we have so that we shall never lose it or miss out on it. Knowledge will preserve your life. Don’t hate it like others do. Use it in every sphere of your life and be great!
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