Title: God Whispers
Author: Ilze Henderson
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 372 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-72999-4 (print);
Hear God whispering His truth and love into your heart. Experience Him on a more intimate level. This book will help you to hear God’s voice and will motivate you to spend more time with Him and His Word. The daily whisperings will touch your heart and draw you closer to Him. His Word has life and power and the ability to renew and rejuvenate all who make it their own. Come on and experience God on another level. Be transferred into the heavenly realm and gain perspective on your life from there. This daily spiritual boost will lift you up and give you wings to fly.
About the Author: Ilze is a devoted child of the living God. She dedicated her working life to Him even though she is a chartered accountant by profession. She has written several books, amongst others the exciting Paradise Calling and the life-changing, The Second Creation. She also writes weekly devotions posted on her website, she leads a Bible study group and inspires people through public appearances, encouraging people to draw closer to their Saviour and King and to live out their purpose in life. Ilze is married to Debruin and has two wonderful boys.
Please visit her website for more information: www.ilzehenderson.co.za
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