Title: Crazy! Adventures of a Marine Biologist
Author: Patrick Garratt
Size: 210mm x 210mm, 387 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-54066-7 (print)
– 978-0-620-58616-0 (ebook)
CRAZY! is the amazing story of a Marine Biologist, Patrick Garratt, who embraced his passion and followed his dream. It is a story of beauty and drama, loss and heartache, courage and achievement. Whilst it is a life story, it is also a lesson. A lesson that says: find your passion, ignore the doomsayers, follow your dream and know your purpose.
It’s an amazing read!
“This book is a great read for all South Africans that have an interest in not only the ocean, but in what drives us humans to do extraordinary things. Pat embraces life and, in his embracing, shares his passion for the earth and what it provides for all of us. The oceans and their species are what fuel Pat’s intrigue and dedication to help us understand our planet’s wonderful co-inhabitants with a little more compassion. CRAZY is a delightful and easy read told from the heart.” – Braam Malherbe
“This is a story of hope, about the life of someone who undaunted has followed his dream, embraced his passion and, staying true, has lived an absolutely incredible adventure.” – Tim Rolston, World Fly Fishing Competitor, Fly Fishing Author, Journalist, Guide and Instructor
“A topical, adventurous, and at times bizarre memoir from a marine biologist who trusted his instincts, his nine lives, and his vision of a life well lived.” – Dawn Garisch, author, creative method facilitator, medical doctor
“A fascinating insight into the life of a Marine Biologist growing up and working in one of nature’s marine playgrounds. Expert storytelling draws you into Pat’s experiences throughout his life and it will prove a fascinating read for anyone, not just us fishy folk!” – Dr David Gibson, MD National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth, UK
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pat Garratt is the Director of the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town. His career in marine biology started in Durban at the Oceanographic Research Institute. After twelve years of research on the deep sea fish and fisheries of KwaZulu-Natal, he altered course and became Curator of the Sea World Durban Aquarium. Later he moved to Cape Town where, as Curator, he played an important role in designing, building and stocking the Two Oceans Aquarium. He is passionate about fish and fishing, is co-author of the book “The South African Fisherman” and lives with his wife Alice (Ally) Ashwell in Marina da Gama, Muizenberg.
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can buy a print copy, an ebook or a bulk order from the links below:
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hi there. i am looking for a copy of this book but i can’t find it. the email address for the author at the aquarium has bounced so he probably dosn’t work there any longer. Exclusive books and Loot do not have it. Megabooks doesn’t seem to exist. please help!